Saturday 14 August 2010

FaceTime Scam?

This is something that I feel quite strongly about. The fact that Apple can release the iPhone 4 and with it the "new" application known as FaceTime. In the trailers and Apple promotional videos, they say that "FaceTime will change the way we think". Now, video calling has been around for quite a while before Apple invented FaceTime and to just give it a new name and then make a fancy, expensive promotional video does not make it a new thing. But the majority of iPhone 4 buyers were too mesmerized by what their almighty Apple leader, Steve Jobs, had to say then the true reality. That FaceTime is a scam. I mean, in the trailer, you see people talking on FaceTime everywhere which just wouldn't happen in real life as you need a WiFi connection to use FaceTime. I would imagine that the purpose of this software is to connect people who are far away from each other and let them have a conversation and see eachother, but the chances of both people owning the most expensive phone on the market, having signal (which the iPhone 4 also fails on) and being in a WiFi area are second to nothing. In short, I don't think that the iPhone 4 has been successful at all triumphing only on a graphics level but not as a phone or as a concept, and FaceTime is no different. :(

1 comment:

  1. Perfect point. Some old phones from 2004 had video calling, just not in that quality, and u didnt need wifi. I had one of those phones, so i dont get why errebody are making such a big thing about this
