Monday 16 August 2010

YouTube Partner Benefits

There are many benefits of joining YouTube's partner program and in this blog I will list them. Firstly, YouTube will start to pay you for making videos and for the amount of upload views you get. It's not a lot of money per view but if you are a regularly viewed channel (which most partners are) then you have a possibility of making a fair bit of money. Also, you have the chance to add a channel banner to your channel which goes above your video box. You can then add links into this banner which take the viewer to sites that you choose like your Twitter profile. You can change the video thumbnail to a picture if you want to which will increase views potentially as your video will look better to starngers surfing YouTube. Google Adsense adverts will also appear at the bottom of your videos which, when people click them, will get you money also (more money than YouTube give you for upload views) which is great. So there are lots of great benefits and reasons to aspire to be a YouTube partner. It's something that I want to do and hope that with your help we can get there on my channel (sorry that sounds a bit gay but I'm serious). Thanks.

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