Monday 30 August 2010

Top 5 Back To School Gadgets

We are at the end of the summer holidays all over the world which means that it's time for 'Top 5 Back To School Gadgets'. At number 5, I have the GPS or Sat-Nav system for your car. This is only aimed at college/university students who need to travel between home and university a lot. At number 4 is the gaming consoles, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or some portable ones like PSP or you could wait for the Xbox Handheld soon. At number 3 is the Apple iPod Touch with the amazing music listening, video watching and the vast app store for gaming. The new 4th generation will be coming out soon so wait and get that with the rumoured HD cameras etc. Number 2 is smart phones, whether it's Android or iPhone 4's, everyone at the moment wants a smart phone. There is a massive array of choices from the new Samsung Galaxy S (highly recommended) and things like Blackberrys with the QWERTY keyboard etc. And finally number 1 is a laptop, I recommend the MacBook Pro range. Thanks and see ya!

Friday 20 August 2010

MacBook Pro 13" 2.4GHz Review

I have been using the MacBook Pro 13" now for about 4 weeks and, I have to give credit to Apple, on a marvelous engineering specimen. The laptop is mobile, powerful, sleek, beautiful and modern. There are 3 sizes in the range of MacBook Pro's and the 13" is a beautiful sweet spot for me. The size is perfect for any students. The turn-off time of the computer varies depending on how many applications are installed on it but the boot-up time is always fast. Graphics Card is unbelievable with HD movie watching and loud adjustable speakers. Battery life is one of the best on the market today with an average of about 5-6 hours. Apple do tell you that you should get 8 hours battery but this is only achievable when you are doing very minor word processing with the screen on a very low brightness. Otherwise, surfing the internet and movie/photo editing, the battery runs for about 3-4 hours (still an impressive time). All in all, the laptop is really great and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone. Thanks and leave a comment.

Monday 16 August 2010

YouTube Partner Benefits

There are many benefits of joining YouTube's partner program and in this blog I will list them. Firstly, YouTube will start to pay you for making videos and for the amount of upload views you get. It's not a lot of money per view but if you are a regularly viewed channel (which most partners are) then you have a possibility of making a fair bit of money. Also, you have the chance to add a channel banner to your channel which goes above your video box. You can then add links into this banner which take the viewer to sites that you choose like your Twitter profile. You can change the video thumbnail to a picture if you want to which will increase views potentially as your video will look better to starngers surfing YouTube. Google Adsense adverts will also appear at the bottom of your videos which, when people click them, will get you money also (more money than YouTube give you for upload views) which is great. So there are lots of great benefits and reasons to aspire to be a YouTube partner. It's something that I want to do and hope that with your help we can get there on my channel (sorry that sounds a bit gay but I'm serious). Thanks.

iPod Touch 4th Gen - FaceTime, HD Camera

The Apple iPod Touch 4th Generation will be relased in early September of this year, 2010, and we are expecting a variety of new features and improvements since the last 3rd Generation, released 2009. For starters, longer lasting battery life, better screen quality and an aluminium back panel are expected. But there are also some bigger changes that are rumoured from this new Apple update of the world-wide pheunominin. An HD camera on the back of it is highly expected after there was leaked evidence and pictures of it a month ago. And as well as a back-facing camera, we might also see a front-facing 3 megapixel camera like on the new iPhone 4. This front-facing camera would make it easier to take photos of yourself and also then brings the possibility of FaceTime on the iPod Touch, which is a new released video calling application seen on the iPhone 4. However, in my personal opinion, although I think that a front-facing camera is possible, I don't think that we will see FaceTime as this would make the iPod Touch 4th Gen too much like the iPhone 4 and therefore I doubt it. Expect a video to come on the iPod Touch 4th Gen and its rumoured new features soon on my YouTube channel but until then. Thanks.

Saturday 14 August 2010

FaceTime Scam?

This is something that I feel quite strongly about. The fact that Apple can release the iPhone 4 and with it the "new" application known as FaceTime. In the trailers and Apple promotional videos, they say that "FaceTime will change the way we think". Now, video calling has been around for quite a while before Apple invented FaceTime and to just give it a new name and then make a fancy, expensive promotional video does not make it a new thing. But the majority of iPhone 4 buyers were too mesmerized by what their almighty Apple leader, Steve Jobs, had to say then the true reality. That FaceTime is a scam. I mean, in the trailer, you see people talking on FaceTime everywhere which just wouldn't happen in real life as you need a WiFi connection to use FaceTime. I would imagine that the purpose of this software is to connect people who are far away from each other and let them have a conversation and see eachother, but the chances of both people owning the most expensive phone on the market, having signal (which the iPhone 4 also fails on) and being in a WiFi area are second to nothing. In short, I don't think that the iPhone 4 has been successful at all triumphing only on a graphics level but not as a phone or as a concept, and FaceTime is no different. :(

iPhone 4 Signal Issues

I recently spent two weeks on holiday in Spain and, whilst there, got a chance for the first time to play with and experience at first hand the signal problems that it has. I was extremely shocked at how an old Sony Ericsson phone could have 5 bars of signal and the newly released iPhone 4 have nothing standing in the same place. This antenna location is a massive cock-up from Apple and they definitely need to be careful not to lose a lot of street-cred from this. However, the Apple Press Conference that was held in order to resolve this issue resulted in free bumper cases for all iPhone 4 buyers, a fairly satisfactory conclusion as these bumpers have been proven to improve signal on the iPhone 4. Let's just hope that in the next generation of iPhone, Apple don't repeat this mistake and produce a similarly great application phone but with the ability to also be a phone!